當神的聖殿坐立在耶路撒冷的日子時,每户家庭須繳付“半舍客勒”銀幣作為維修和供奉聖殿之用。為了要揭開埋藏於聖殿山土堆中的考古秘密,我們的聖殿山篩分工程已進行了超過十年時間。今天,我們到了一個關鍵的轉折點 ── 研究並發表成千上萬件出土文物的成果。為此,聖殿山篩分工程誠意向您作出呼籲,需要您們伸出援手,捐出屬於您們的“半舍客勒”來資助這項重要工作。現在請即把握機會,與我們一同揭示耶路撒冷遠古的輝煌。
自古以來,聖殿山一直是世界三大單一主神論信仰的聖地。已過一千三百年,這裡一直在穆斯林的控制之下; 礙於穆斯林的敏感政治,有系統的考古發掘一直未被批准。 1967年,在六日戰爭後,以色列允許瓦合甫(管理聖殿山的穆斯林信託機構)維持其對聖殿山的控制。
以色列文物法要求,在考古遺址上進行建築工程前必須先進行搶救挖掘。然而,在1999年,瓦合甫無視該法例,為了加建一個清真寺出入口,強行用推土機在聖殿山上挖出一個大坑,傾倒約400輛卡車、重9000萬噸、滿佈考古文物的泥土於附近的汲淪谷(Kidron Valley),
使這些珍貴的文物從此與遺址分離。儘管如此,考古學家Gabriel Barkay博士和Zachi Dvira博士深知這些被棄置的泥土蘊藏了聖殿山歷史的寶貴資料,於是在2004年,他們抓住這個難得的機會,成立了聖殿山篩分工程,目的是搶救這批遠古文物和進行考古研究,從而提高我們對聖殿山考古歷史的認識。
我們篩分的每一桶泥土,包含了聖殿山自三千年前建立以來,幾乎每一個時期的古文物 。最常見的類別有陶器碎片、玻璃容器件、金屬物件、動物骨頭、加工石料和馬賽克石嵌片。
除了一般類別以外,還有許多有趣的發現,如石器碎片、珠寶、珠子、陶俑、箭鏃和其他武器裝備、砝碼、衣服輔料、遊戲棋子和骰子、骨頭和貝殼鑲嵌件、家具裝飾、裝飾品、骨頭和象牙製品,以及刻有文字的石頭和陶器碎片。也有一些精巧的建築遺跡,包括柱身和柱頭的碎片、馬賽克地板碎片、花磚飾面(opus Sectile)地磚、壁畫(彩色石膏件)和釉面牆磚。時至今日,篩分工程已發掘出超過五千枚金幣,從公元前4世紀的細小銀幣到近代的鑄幣,其中有一些非常罕見、有趣的硬幣,如半舍客勒銀幣,在下面有更詳細的論述。
從第一聖殿時期(公元前1000年至586年,從大衛王到第一聖殿被毀),有大量碗、盆罐和壺的陶器碎片,以及酒杯、支架、搖鈴和陶俑(主要是四足動物,也有人形女性雕像)。這一時期的其他發現包括投石、石砝碼、所羅門王時期的青銅箭頭、巴比倫軍隊摧毀第一聖殿時所用的罕見青銅箭頭。印刻文物包括陶片(ostraca )(陶刻碎片)和印璽(bullae)。其中一個印章刻有希伯來文的名字אִמֶר和ליהו,意為“(屬於)[…] lyahu(的兒子)Immer”。Immer是耶利米書和歷代志中提到的祭司家族名稱。該印章是迄今首個在聖殿山被發現的古希伯來文刻文,印證了第一聖殿時期的行政活動。其他發現包括一個所羅門王時期的錐形封印,上面描繪了兩隻動物;一個繪有羚羊的黑色石封印,還有一個用藍色青金石製成的封印。
我們其中一個觸目的發現,是一批超過一千件各種形狀、大小和顏色的地磚碎片。這些地磚被鑑定為羅馬帝國時期用來鋪路的花磚飾面(opus Sectile),地磚以各種方式組合成豐富的幾何圖案。弗拉維奧.約瑟夫斯(Flavius Josephus)的著作裡表明了這種技術是用於裝飾環繞聖殿的露天庭院:“整個露天庭院鋪設了各類石頭”(猶太戰史5.5.2)。約瑟夫斯的描述與我們的發現完全一致,讓我們能夠全面重組聖殿山的地台面貌。
各種形狀、顏色和大小的地磚,用於羅馬帝國時期,以花磚飾面來鋪設皇家建築路面。這類地板在弗拉維奧.約瑟夫斯(Flavius Josephus)的著作中有提及,用於鋪設環繞聖殿的露天庭院。
聖殿庭院的重組面貌,根據弗拉維奧.約瑟夫斯(Flavius Josephus)的著作以及聖殿山篩分工程所發現的地磚。
羅馬帝國時期常見的骨頭和象牙骰子。根據猶太經典律法米書拿,凡擲骰賭博的人不能作見證人(Sanhedrim 24 b)。
有大量的發現來自早期伊斯蘭時期(公元640年至1099年 ),圓頂清真寺和阿克薩清真寺皆於該時期建成。這些建築在後期進行了重修,包括拆除早期建築元件,建築廢料被傾倒於聖殿山的東側。在16世紀期間,圓頂清真寺外部的華麗鍍金馬賽克被更換為釉面牆磚,或者是在近代時間,圓頂清真寺和Dome of the Chain的地磚被更換過。篩分工程已經發掘出數万件源自圓頂清真寺外牆上的馬賽克的鍍金鑲嵌塊玻璃立方塊,以及許多大理石建築部份。其中一些建築碎片用於伍麥亞(Umayyad) 建築結構中,它們實際上是源自拜占庭,甚至是第二聖殿時期。此外,我們也發掘出銘刻陶器、珍珠母貝鑲嵌、珠寶、遊戲棋子、玻璃和銘文金屬法碼、大量硬幣(包括金幣)、文字石刻陶刻。
篩分工程的發現大大促進了在十字軍時期(公元1099年至1187年)的聖殿山考古和歷史研究。在此時期,聖殿山常與聖殿騎士團聯繫在一起。騎士團以阿克薩清真寺作為他們的總部,並把東南角大片地庫改為馬厩,稱之為“所羅門馬厩”。我們現時篩分的泥土乃源於所羅門馬厩所在位置,並已發掘出許多十字軍活動的遺跡,包括箭頭、典型歐洲中世紀騎兵用的馬蹄鐵釘和鎧甲片。這些發現為首批考古證據,證明聖殿騎士團曾使用過所羅門馬厩。此外,篩分工程在耶路撒冷發掘出迄今在這一時期最大和最多樣化的銀幣收藏,其中有極為罕見的硬幣和獨一無二的聖殿騎士獎章。十字軍時期的發現包括十字形吊墜、陶器和建築遺跡。我們發現了大量的花磚飾面(opus Sectile)地磚,這些地磚本來裝嵌在圓頂清真寺,在後期被拆除,它們將有助我們重組聖殿山縝密的地台面貌。
“因我的殿必稱為萬民禱告的殿。” (以賽亞書56:7)
耶路撒冷舊城地圖,顯示過去150年期間主要的挖掘地區。 注意﹕地圖上空白矩形位置為聖殿山,那裡從未有過有系統的挖掘。
我們的實驗室放置了超過五十萬件出土文物等待處理和分析,其研究及成果發表實屬艱鉅任務,需要眾多學者的堅毅和專業知識。篩分工場的運作目前由大衛城基金會(the Ir-David Foundation)資助,但我們欠缺研究和成果出版的經費。
1. 科學評估,包括碳-14同位素放射性定年法、礦物分析、文物保存、電腦統計分析及類型比較數據挖掘,這些均需要尖端的專業知識和高度專業化的實驗室設備 (工程中最昂貴的部分)
2. 高解析度攝影、三維激光掃描、科學繪圖、整理、分類、編輯、修訂和打印初步報告,其全面性和準確性將決定我們最終報告的科學價值
3. 實驗室的日常運作
“凡被數點的,每人要按聖所的舍客勒,交銀子半舍客勒‥‥半舍客勒作為獻給耶和華。” (出埃及記30:13)
在第二聖殿時期,用來支付該聖殿稅的半舍客勒銀幣是在聖殿山特別鑄造的。我們很幸運地發掘出這樣一個銀幣,該銀幣鑄造於猶太人起義反抗羅馬征服者的第一年間(66/67 CE)!銀幣的一面描繪了三棵石榴,還有“聖城耶路撒冷”的題字(ירושליםהקדושה)。另一面則有一個杯子和刻有“半舍客勒”(חציהשקל)的字樣。這個罕有的發現啟發了我們推出“半舍客勒運動",讓我們每個人都可以有份於這項工程,一同揭開聖殿山不為人知的故事。
在篩分過程中發現的罕有半舍客勒銀幣。 正面:一隻聖殿聖杯,上面刻有ALEPH字母,意為“元年”,周邊寫著“半舍客勒”。 反面:一條樹枝上有三棵石榴,還有“聖城耶路撒冷”的題字。 這些硬幣用於支付每年的聖殿稅,乃按照聖經出埃及記30:13-15記載的律例。
若您仍未參觀在耶路撒冷Emek Zurim國家公園的篩分工場,我們鼓勵您帶同朋友前來參觀。請即加入我們,一同來發掘聖殿山的古代遺跡。若要得知如何參加,請點擊這裡。
這次募捐所籌集的資金將對這項工程提供極大幫助。我們估計整個出版過程的預算為$ 1,000,000,這包括我們在過去三年中已用於考古研究的初期資金。我們最近成功籌集更多的資金,讓我們能繼續進行這項工作多一年。
您的半舍客勒捐獻將有助於揭開聖殿山的故事。您的支持悠關重要。請即點擊,捐贈給我們的工程﹗Translated by Binyamin Cheng
January 11th 2016
The Half-Shekel Campaign – Summary and Conclusions
First and foremost, we would like to express our deep gratitude to all those who answered our call and donated to the project and helped disseminate the Campaign. YOUR SUPPORT IS TRULY APPRECIATED. Thank you letters and gifts will be mailed shortly.
Our” Half-Shekel” campaign was launched on September 1st 2015 and lasted for four months. The Temple Mount Sifting Project is all about involving the community, and this campaign was the first time we invited the public to partake in helping fund the project. We chose the crowd funding approach, even though we didn’t know what to expect. This kind of platform, when used by non-profit organizations, is often used to help fund and promote social, medical or political causes, and usually not used for scientific research, let alone for archaeological research although many people find interest and value in it, they still prefer to donate to other causes.
We produced a video with an attempt to tell the story of the sifting project in an interesting and touching way for those who are less-acquainted with the story of the Temple Mount, its history and archaeology, as well as for those who are well acquainted and even for trained archaeologists. We knew that a short video would be essential for it to become viral, but we weren’t successful in finding a way to consolidate the story of the project in addition to explaining our financial needs to the non-aquatint in less than 7 minutes although we managed to have the Hebrew version shorter (5 min).
Eventually the Hebrew video became viral to some extend on Facebook and managed to reach 20 thousand people quite quickly with almost no paid promotion (a total of 27 thousand on both Facebook and YouTube). The English version, which was also available with translation subtitles in many languages, was less successful and eventually reached 50 thousand people (16 thousand people have visited the Half-Shekel Campaign website and more than 270 of them have donated. During the time of this campaign, we eventually managed to raise $35,440. The donations came mainly from English speaking countries and from Israel, but also from distant parts of the world such as Brazil, Chile, Singapore and other places.
A short while after the inception of the campaign, the political conflict concerning the Temple Mount became a hot topic in the media, and we weren’t sure if it detracted or motivated support of the campaign. We prefer avoiding politics as much as possible, especially since we are dealing with the most politically sensitive site in Israel, although certain aspects of our research may unavoidably have some political implications. The website has also been translated into Arabic, and attracted a relatively large percentage of visits from Arabic speaking countries, surprisingly, we received only few malicious comments, while hundreds of visitors shared the website and clicked like. Perhaps the scientifically oriented nature of the text helped to some extend to reduce the conflict fed by decisive and ignorant historical claims.
We are still far from reaching the project’s needs, and our funding efforts will proceed. This website will be maintained as a permanent funding website, and we will continue promoting it in various other ways.
You are all invited to continue supporting the project by sending a recurring donation and by sharing the websites of the Temple Mount Sifting Project.
With much gratitude,
Gabriel Barkay and Zachi Dvira
January 1st, 2016
The campaign is over. Thank you all for your donations and for distributing this website. We will publish a campaign summary in the coming days.
We will send out the all gifts within the coming month.
Donations could still be done on this website (with gifts) or through our weblogs. This website will be redesigned to a permanent fund raising website.
For further updates about the project please visit our weblogs.
Happy New Year
The Temple Mount Sifting Project
December 27, 201
In three days we’re about to end our current phase of our crowd funding campaign. After that this website will be converted to a permanent website for donations to the Sifting Project. This campaign has been running for the last four months and has managed to reach 75 thousand people who have watched the campaign video (English 47,914; Hebrew: 27,452). The campaign brought about 16,500 visitors (unique visits) to this website. Since our last update we have doubled the Facebook shares, especially in Arabic and Portuguese (see table below), and currently more 3400 people have shared this website! Thank you all!
Up to this point we managed to raise in this campaign $20,676 by 257 donors (the total sum on the website includes also direct donations that were received recently and were not achieved via this campaign). We are pleased to see that we managed to receive support from all corners of the world.
In our next update we will provide a summary to this campaign and details about the phase.
See below the statistics for more detailed and interesting results:
Top Website Visitors by Country
Country | Website Visitors | Frequency (1 per x Internet Users) |
Israel | 4,962 | 1,195 |
Jordan | 526 | 6,417 |
Pal. Authority | 133 | 9,774 |
Iraq | 143 | 18,937 |
Venezuela | 594 | 24,492 |
El Salvador | 51 | 34,173 |
Norway | 124 | 39,483 |
Honduras | 31 | 51,695 |
Ukraine | 292 | 57,702 |
Canada | 521 | 63,340 |
United States | 4,446 | 68,203 |
Bolivia | 52 | 76,357 |
Portugal | 86 | 81,576 |
Netherlands | 177 | 91,208 |
Hong Kong | 63 | 91,291 |
Brazil | 1,045 | 103,180 |
Australia | 204 | 103,807 |
Turkey | 285 | 124,066 |
Belarus | 34 | 142,852 |
Austria | 44 | 162,163 |
Top Donors by Country
Country | Donors | Donors Percentage of Website Visitors |
United States | 116 | 2.6% |
Israel | 90 | 1.8% |
Canada | 11 | 2.1% |
United Kingdom | 8 | 2.4% |
Australia | 7 | 3.4% |
Brazil | 3 | N/A |
Italy | 3 | N/A |
Norway | 2 | N/A |
Austria | 2 | N/A |
Belgium | 2 | N/A |
Netherlands | 1 | N/A |
Turkey | 1 | N/A |
New Zealand | 1 | N/A |
Singapore | 1 | N/A |
Finland | 1 | N/A |
Sweden | 1 | N/A |
Germany | 1 | N/A |
Mexico | 1 | N/A |
Chile | 1 | N/A |
Website Visitors by Language
Language | Visitors |
English | 7,291 |
Hebrew | 3,382 |
Spanish | 1,286 |
Arabic | 1,224 |
Russian | 708 |
French | 514 |
Turkish | 338 |
Korean | 274 |
Chinese-Traditional | 153 |
Chinese -Simplified | 126 |
Norwegian | 182 |
Italian | 207 |
Portuguese | 454 |
German | 127 |
Dutch The Netherlands | 141 |
Farsi Iran | 40 |
Hungarian | 53 |
Facebook Shares by Language
Language | FB Shares |
English | 2100 |
Arabic | 353 |
Spanish | 312 |
Portuguese | 200 |
Hebrew | 111 |
Russian | 89 |
French | 63 |
Turkish | 36 |
Persian | 32 |
Norwegian | 19 |
Chinese (simplified) | 19 |
Korean | 16 |
Italian | 16 |
Chinese (traditional) | 12 |
Deutsch | 11 |
Nederland | 10 |
Hungarian (Magyar) | 0 |
Total | 3399 |
December 15, 2015: We are now capable of providing Tax-Deducible receipts from the U.K. as well.
December 12, 2015: See Report in Jerusalem Post: Byzantine-era potsherd from Temple Mount may contain engraving of holy site’s menorah
December 8, 2015:
Three months have passed since we launched the crowdfunding campaign; the current campaign is scheduled to end on Dec 31, 2015. Since we are still far from reaching our final goal, we will probably continue fundraising with this website, but change the format so it will suit an ongoing fundraising campaign and not one that is limited by time.
We would like to update you about several things that we’ve been working on. Many of you have probably already seen the news reports about the “Hezekiah seal” found in the Ophel excavations south of the Temple Mount, which were directed by Dr. Eilat Mazar. This seal impression was found in 2010 at our sifting facility in Tzurim Valley, when we assisted with wet-sifting earth from this excavation. Until recently, the reading of this bulla was ‘לחזקיהו … מלכיהו (Hezekiyahu ?? Malkiyahu), but when Reut ben-Ariyeh, who studied the seal impressions from the Ophel excavation, noticed a dot between מלכ andיהו , and the unclear letter of the second name, the reading became clear: “Hezekiyah (son of) Ahaz King of Judah”. This is the first time that a Judean king seal or seal impression is found by a controlled archaeological excavation! We are proud that the Temple Mount Sifting Project took part of this great discovery. Click here to read the press release.
We are about to publish a new article, based on finds from the sifting project, about reconstructing Crusader floors which were situated in the Dome of the Rock. This will be published on Dec 20th in an international conference at Haifa University marking 150 years of the PEF (Palestine Exploration Fund). (Click here to see the full program).
And one last thing for Chanukah – two days ago we published an image of a potsherd with an incised design of what appears to be the Temple Menorah; the potsherd is probably from the Byzantine period. What was the purpose of this drawing? What can we learn from it about the rabbinic medieval interpretation of the Menorah shape? These questions were sent out to our community of followers and supporters whose opinion we cherish. . You are welcome to add your suggestion or comment in our Facebook page or blog.
Happy Chanukah,
The Temple Mount Sifting Project
October 26, 2015:
When we launched the campaign 50 days ago, the Hebrew video immediately went viral and reached 10,000 people within three days, while the English video was less successful and reached 3,500 people. Up to date the videos were watched (30 sec views and more) on Facebook and YouTube by 43,797 people. 12,050 people have visited the website and 199 people have donated a total sum of $21,940. We intend to continue the campaign until the end of 2015.
The video has the potential to reach a very wide audience, especially these days when the Temple Mount is in the focus of the news. Since many ignorant comments are being heard in the media and distorted articles are published in major newspapers, this story and archaeological information is essential for establishing an educated debate.
The Temple Mount Sifting Project does not have a political agenda, and as open minded academic researchers we are open minded for any conclusion that can be deducted from the finds. We oppose ignorance. All scientific or academic research eventually serves humanity by helping us make better decisions. If the sifting project finds could help reduce tensions that are rooted by ignorance – we would be happy to serve this goal as well.
It is worthwhile to mention that about 15% of the website visitors are Arab speakers, and there are about 353 shares and hundreds of likes to the Arabic version of the website. It seems like the Arab world is very interested in this story.
October 25, 2015
When we launched the campaign 50 days ago, the Hebrew video immediately went viral and reached 10,000 people within three days, while the English video was less successful and reached 3,500 people. Up to date the videos were watched (30 sec views and more) on Facebook and YouTube by 43,797 people. 12,050 people have visited the website and 199 people have donated a total sum of $21,940. We intend to continue the campaign until the end of 2015.
The video has the potential to reach a very wide audience, especially these days when the Temple Mount is in the focus of the news. Since many ignorant comments are being heard in the media and distorted articles are published in major newspapers, this story and archaeological information is essential for establishing an educated debate.
The Temple Mount Sifting Project does not have a political agenda, and as open minded academic researchers we are open minded for any conclusion that can be deducted from the finds. We oppose ignorance. All scientific or academic research eventually serves humanity by helping us make better decisions. If the sifting project finds could help reduce tensions that are rooted by ignorance – we would be happy to serve this goal as well.
It is worthwhile to mention that about 15% of the website visitors are Arab speakers, and there are about 353 shares and hundreds of likes to the Arabic version of the website. It seems like the Arab world is very interested in this story.
October 12, 2015
Since our last update – with the organic exposure of the website and some paid ads – we tripled the number of visitors to the website. Up to this point we managed to raise $19,607 by 171 donors. The number of people who viewed the YouTube video (26,759 views) and those who visited the website (10,432 unique visitors) also increased.
There is great interest among Middle Eastern Arabs, leading to more than 300 shares and 500 likes of the Arab version of the website. We are still waiting to see who will be the first one among the Arab supporters to be courageous enough to make a donation.
In our last report Canada was first place but it has now been replaced by the United Kingdom with the highest percent of donors relative to website visitors, followed by Australia.
See below for more interesting results:
Top Video Views Frequency by Country*
Country | Internet Users | YouTube Video Views | Frequency (1 per x Internet Users) |
Israel | 5928772 | 2630 | 2254 |
Palestine Authority | 1300000 | 78 | 16667 |
El Salvador | 1742832 | 77 | 22634 |
Canada | 33000381 | 1450 | 22759 |
Jordan | 3375307 | 146 | 23119 |
New Zealand | 4162209 | 167 | 24923 |
Costa Rica | 2511139 | 100 | 25111 |
Norway | 4895885 | 182 | 26900 |
United States | 303229759 | 11223 | 27019 |
Australia | 21176595 | 684 | 30960 |
Puerto Rico | 2027549 | 64 | 31680 |
Singapore | 4453859 | 136 | 32749 |
Venezuela | 14548421 | 430 | 33834 |
South Africa | 24909854 | 666 | 37402 |
Paraguay | 2005278 | 51 | 39319 |
Panama | 1899892 | 43 | 44184 |
Guatemala | 2716781 | 61 | 44537 |
Honduras | 1602558 | 33 | 48562 |
Netherlands | 16143879 | 317 | 50927 |
Finland | 5117660 | 98 | 52221 |
Uruguay | 2017280 | 37 | 54521 |
Iraq | 2707928 | 49 | 55264 |
Philippines | 39470845 | 624 | 63255 |
Ecuador | 6012003 | 90 | 66800 |
United Kingdom | 57075826 | 809 | 70551 |
Hungary | 7388776 | 101 | 73156 |
Malaysia | 12150362 | 164 | 74088 |
Bolivia | 3970587 | 51 | 77855 |
Chile | 11686746 | 135 | 86568 |
Hong Kong | 5751357 | 64 | 89865 |
Poland | 25666238 | 278 | 92325 |
Sweden | 8581261 | 91 | 94300 |
Switzerland | 7180749 | 72 | 99733 |
Denmark | 5419113 | 53 | 102247 |
Belgium | 9441116 | 91 | 103749 |
Colombia | 25660725 | 223 | 115071 |
Argentina | 24973660 | 217 | 115086 |
Ireland | 3817491 | 33 | 115682 |
Dominican Republic | 5072674 | 39 | 130069 |
Ukraine | 16849008 | 125 | 134792 |
* Not including over 23,000 Facebook views. At this point we cannot access this data categorized per country from Facebook.
Top Website Visitors by Country
Country | Website Visitors | Frequency (1 per x Internet Users) |
Israel | 2771 | 2140 |
Jordan | 518 | 6516 |
Palestinian Authority | 123 | 10569 |
Iraq | 142 | 19070 |
Venezuela | 590 | 24658 |
El Salvador | 49 | 35568 |
Norway | 83 | 58987 |
Ukraine | 277 | 60827 |
Bolivia | 52 | 76357 |
Portugal | 77 | 91111 |
Canada | 305 | 108198 |
United States | 2,413 | 125665 |
Hong Kong | 44 | 130713 |
Turkey | 252 | 140313 |
Brazil | 735 | 146698 |
Netherlands | 104 | 155230 |
Australia | 120 | 176472 |
South Korea | 216 | 209788 |
Spain | 163 | 214787 |
Austria | 32 | 222974 |
Belgium | 39 | 242080 |
Taiwan | 64 | 291246 |
Italy | 115 | 318208 |
France | 131 | 423125 |
United Kingdom | 126 | 452983 |
Egypt | 74 | 544751 |
Mexico | 61 | 834804 |
Germany | 53 | 1353350 |
Russia | 50 | 1688756 |
India | 51 | 4768606 |
Top Donors by Country
Country | Donors per Visitors Rate | Donors |
United States | 3.4% | 83 |
Israel | 1.9% | 53 |
Canada | 3.0% | 9 |
United Kingdom | 4.8% | 6 |
Australia | 4.2% | 5 |
Norway | N/A | 2 |
Italy | N/A | 2 |
New Zealand | N/A | 1 |
Netherlands | N/A | 1 |
Finland | N/A | 1 |
Chile | N/A | 1 |
Sweden | N/A | 1 |
Brazil | N/A | 1 |
Website Visitors by Language
Language | Visitors |
English | 4,051 |
Hebrew | 1,728 |
Spanish | 1,231 |
Arabic | 1,117 |
Russian | 495 |
French | 438 |
Turkish | 299 |
Korean | 299 |
Chinese-Traditional | 123 |
Chinese -Simplified | 123 |
Norwegian | 118 |
Italian | 108 |
Portuguese | 106 |
German | 79 |
Dutch The Netherlands | 72 |
Persian | 21 |
Hungarian | 21 |
Facebook Shares by Language
Language | FB Shares |
English | 1500 |
Arabic | 352 |
Spanish | 152 |
Hebrew | 111 |
Turkish | 35 |
Persian | 32 |
Russian | 27 |
Norwegian (Norsk Bokmal) | 19 |
Chinese (simplified) | 19 |
Thai | 16 |
Chinese (traditional) | 12 |
French | 9 |
Italian | 6 |
Netherlands | 3 |
German | 2 |
Hungarian (Magyar) | 0 |
Portugese | 0 |
October 5, 2015
We realized that promoting this website will take longer than we expected, so we decided to extend the campaign until December 31st.
September 27, 2015
Jerusalem Post: Jewish history’s greatest archaeological crime
September 24, 2015
Rare 3,000-year-old King David era seal discovered by Temple Mount Sifting Project
See full report at our weblog: templemount.wordpress.com
See Media Reports at:
September 22, 2015 – Second Update
Until now the campaign has been going on with organic promotion, and soon we are going to promote the video and the website with paid ads and media news. Now is a good time to see how well we are doing.
Up to this point we managed to raise $17,085 by 116 donors. That’s not much when taking into account the number of people that viewed the video (15562 views) and those that visited the website (3440 unique visitors). It seems like people are really interested in this story, but only a small percentage choose to donate. Our goal is to reach 1 million video views which mean that in order to reach our goal we need to dramatically increase the exposure of the video and the website. We will continue to fundraise through philanthropic foundations and these donations will be marked as “direct” on the funders list.
Following are statistical tables that demonstrate how well the video and the website were received in various countries. We calculated frequencies in relation to each country’s population of internet users. This will allow us to compare our support among various countries.
As you can see below, after Israel, the Canadians have the best score – 1 per 37,931Canadians has seen the video. They also have the best donation rate (5.5% of website visitors). The website is also popular amongst Arab populations.
See below for more interesting results:
Top 20 Video Views Frequency
Country | Internet Users | Video Views | Frequency (1 per x Internet Users) |
Israel | 5928772 | 1485 | 3992 |
Canada | 33000381 | 870 | 37931 |
Norway | 4895885 | 124 | 39483 |
New Zealand | 4162209 | 94 | 44279 |
United States | 303229759 | 5948 | 50980 |
Australia | 21176595 | 413 | 51275 |
South Africa | 24909854 | 481 | 51788 |
Palestinian Authority | 2000000 | 38 | 52632 |
Singapore | 4453859 | 80 | 55673 |
Puerto Rico | 2027549 | 30 | 67585 |
Finland | 5117660 | 72 | 71079 |
Iraq | 2707928 | 29 | 93377 |
Netherlands | 16143879 | 169 | 95526 |
United Kingdom | 57075826 | 522 | 109341 |
Poland | 25666238 | 229 | 112080 |
Malaysia | 12150362 | 88 | 138072 |
Sweden | 8581261 | 59 | 145445 |
Philippines | 39470845 | 247 | 159801 |
Belgium | 9441116 | 59 | 160019 |
Hong Kong | 5751357 | 35 | 164324 |
Switzerland | 7180749 | 39 | 184122 |
Top 25 Website Visitors
Country | Website Visitors | Frequency (1 per x Internet Users) |
Israel | 1283 | 4621 |
Palestinian Authority | 111 | 18018 |
Iraq | 134 | 20208 |
Norway | 67 | 73073 |
Jordan | 21 | 160729 |
Canada | 128 | 257815 |
Australia | 82 | 258251 |
United States | 1026 | 295546 |
Egypt | 67 | 601665 |
Switzerland | 10 | 718075 |
United Kingdom | 68 | 839350 |
Netherlands | 19 | 849678 |
Italy | 36 | 1016499 |
Mexico | 50 | 1018461 |
Colombia | 17 | 1509454 |
Argentina | 14 | 1783833 |
Poland | 14 | 1833303 |
Spain | 16 | 2188142 |
France | 23 | 2409973 |
Germany | 24 | 2988648 |
Russia | 26 | 3247607 |
Brazil | 13 | 8294064 |
Top Donors
Country | Donors per Visitors Rate | Donors |
United States | 3.62% | 43 |
Israel | 2.11% | 41 |
Canada | 5.48% | 8 |
United Kingdom | 3.90% | 3 |
Finland | 14.29% | 2 |
Chile | 16.67% | 1 |
Sweden | 14.29% | 1 |
New Zealand | 10.00% | 1 |
Brazil | 6.67% | 1 |
Netherlands | 5.00% | 1 |
Italy | 2.33% | 1 |
Norway | 1.20% | 1 |
Australia | 1.20% | 1 |
Website Visitors by Language
Language | Visitors |
English | 2028 |
Hebrew | 512 |
Arabic | 408 |
Spanish | 180 |
French | 83 |
Norwegian | 89 |
Russian | 93 |
Italian | 76 |
Portuguese | 14 |
Chinese – Simplified | 16 |
Chinese – Traditional | 27 |
German | 13 |
Dutch | 8 |
Persian | 9 |
Hungarian | 8 |
Korean | 8 |
Turkish | 7 |
Facebook Shares by Language
Language | FB Shares | |
English | 799 | |
Spanish | 149 | |
Arabic | 116 | |
Hebrew | 81 | |
Persian | 32 | |
Russian | 19 | |
Norwegian | 19 | |
Italian | 4 | |
Chinese (traditional) | 4 | |
Chinese (simplified) | 1 | |
Turkish | 1 | |
German | 0 | |
French | 0 | |
Dutch | 0 | |
Hungarian (Magyar) | 0 | |
Portuguese | 0 | |
Korean | 0 |
August 31st 2015. First Update
The website was launched on September 1st, and will end on November 27th, 2015. It is currently available in 17 languages! To the best of our knowledge no such crowdfunding campaign – addressing such a wide audience – has ever taken place, and we are also not aware of any archaeological projects that have used this funding method.
The idea to “crowd fund” the Temple Mount Sifting Project was originally suggested by Aran Yardeni about a year ago. He claimed that raising funds in this method would best suit our project, which allows the public to take an active role. The more we thought about it, we realized that in addition to the funding aspect, a crowd funding campaign can be a great tool through which to gain public exposure for the story of the Temple Mount and the Sifting Project.
We quickly realized the high potential of this campaign, and decided to translate the contents to many languages. . We believe that this cause is universal, and are very curious to see how this campaign will be received around the world.
The texts were mostly translated by volunteers. Please let us know if you notice any errors or have any suggestions. We also welcome volunteers who can translate the website to additional languages.
This page will continuously update developments in the campaign, as publish data concerning the exposure and donations from the various countries. Please stay tuned.
Now, let’s see who will gain the title of “‘the first donor on the website Wall of Fame’”.