Bidrag ved sjekk skal utstedes til: the ISRAEL ARCHAEOLOGY FOUNDATION , og sendes til følgende adresse:
Israel Archaeology Foundation
P.O.B. 10179
Jerusalem 9110101
Date: ________________
Enclosed is my contribution for $__________________
with a recommendation to your trustees that it be used for: Temple Mount Sifting Project
Name: __________________________________________________ (contributor)
Please send us a notice at after you have sent the check.
Thank you! Your contribution helps support and further advance the research of the Temple Mount Sifting Project. It is our pleasure to send you an official thank you letter (by email) from our project directors.
Receive a PDF copy (via email) of our 40 page informative booklet about the project and the finds from the Temple Mount. This gift is included in all the following gifts.
Receive our 40 page English booklet with full-color pictures. It describes the Temple Mount Sifting Project, the finds uncovered so far, and their importance to the understanding of the history of the Temple Mount.
Receive a sample of soil - remains from the sifting of the Temple Mount soil, after the stones and the archaeological artifacts were removed from it. This soil contains large concentration of ashes from the destruction of the Temple, which gives it its grayish texture. Includes a certificate of authenticity by the project's archaeologists.
Motta en kopi av en sjelden halv-sjekelmynt fra Andre Tempels Periode. Dette sjeldne funnet, som stammer fra Tempelhøyden, har inspirert oss til å lansere vår Halv-Sjekelkampanje, som du kan bli en del av sammen med oss for å avdekke den ukjente historien om Tempelhøyden.
Få din egen eksakte kopi av halv-sjekelmynten fra Annet Tempel, laget av sølvsmed i 925S-kvalitet. Mynten er preget på med et beger fra Tempelet og med bokstaven Aleph på forsiden, som betyr "År Ett" (av det store jødiske opprøret mot Roma), omskrevet med ordene "en halv sjekel". På reversen er det en gren med tre granatepler og ordene "Hellige Jerusalem".
Make a difference for hundreds of Israeli school kids by sponsoring a school and bringing the Temple Mount Sifting Project to them! This covers 3 full days of sifting AND classes about the history of the Temple Mount as part of our new mobile sifting program.
We will send you an exact replica of an arrowhead that was found in the sifting and is dated to the days of the Maccabees. This is an amazing way to own a piece of history.
We will send you an exact replica of a very important arrowhead from the destruction of the First Temple. It was found in the sifting and was most likely used by the Babylonian army who destroyed the Temple. This is an amazing way to own a piece of history and of your heritage.
We will send you an exact replica of a rare arrowhead from the days of King Solomon that was found in the sifting project. This is an amazing way to own a piece of history.
The Temple Mount Sifting Project recovers about one coin a day, over 6000 coins to date. Historically, the first coins are from the early days of the Second Temple (the Persian period). The coins have many interesting details that help us understand the period in which they were used. Some even have inscriptions in ancient Hebrew.
Bli med på en personlig omvisning på stedet hvor massene fra Tempelhøyden undersøkes. Stedet ligger i skråningen av Mount Scopus. Din guide vil være en av våre ledende arkeologer. Du får også sanntids oppdateringer fra feltet, og din personlige kopi av halv-sjekelmynten.
Omvisning på Tempelhøyden med en av Undersøkelsesprosjektets ledere, en personlig omvisning på undersøkelsesstedet på Mount Scopus og på vårt laboratorium i Jerusalem. Du får også din egen håndlagete kopi av halv-sjekelmynten i sterling sølv.
You will get your name published in the publication as well as the opportunity to be in direct contact with the researchers working on your chapter. Click for more information.
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